An all-female, parthenocarpic cucumber for the greenhouse or tunnel producing masses of small, high quality seedless fruit.
- Cucumber seeds
Mini Munch
- £4.00
A cucumber relative, achocha produces masses of edible, bladder-shaped fruit on vigorous, low maintenance vines.
- Exotic and unusual vegetable seeds, Vegetable Seeds
- £2.50
A traditional Bangladeshi cucumber.
- Exotic and unusual vegetable seeds
- £2.50
A high-yielding, all-female cucumber producing quality mini-fruit on short vines; suitable for small greenhouses.
- Cucumber seeds
- £3.50
A highly productive all-female, mini cucumber with fruit that are delicious, tender and seedless.
- Cucumber seeds
- £2.50
A standard American cucumber well adapted for growing outdoors, producing short, good tasting fruit.
- Cucumber seeds
Marketmore 76
- £2.00
A high yielding cucumber that produces long fruit of exceptional quality.
- Cucumber seeds
- £3.50
An unusual outdoor cucumber that produces high yields of round, ivory-coloured fruit.
- Cucumber seeds
Crystal Lemon
- £2.20