Chilli seed
For the best chilli growing experience you need to select chilli variety(ies) that fit your specific needs. The two most important features to consider are how hot you want your chillies and what sized chilli plant you want. To help you decide which variety(ies) are best for you click here.
We also sell chilli plants. To buy please go to
One seed pack of all the habanero chilli varieties sold by Sea Spring Seeds.
Save more than £20!
Note: This offer does not include the superhots.
- Chilli seeds: habaneros
A collection of habanero chillies
- £40.00
One seed pack of all the spice-type chilli varieties sold by Sea Spring Seeds.
Save over £20.00!
- Chilli seeds: spice-types
A collection of spice chillies
- £45.00
One seed pack of the four superhot chilli varieties sold by Sea Spring Seeds.
Save £6.00!
- Chilli seeds: superhots
A collection of superhot chillies
- £15.00
One seed pack of all the vegetable-type chilli varieties sold by Sea Spring Seeds.
Save over £20.00!
- Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
A collection of veg-type chillies
- £35.00
A Turkish cayenne that ripens to a red, medium hot chilli that can be dried or used fresh.
Heat level: medium
(approx 24,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aci Kil
- £2.20
An easy-to-grow chilli producing lots of hot fruit with a thick, juicy flesh.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 37,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aji Benito
- £2.20
A medium hot chilli that offers colourful fruit distinguished by a wonderfully fresh aroma and flavour.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 23,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds (all), Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aji Crystal
- £2.20
Glossy fruit display a rich palette of colours that add sparkle to a greenhouse or conservatory.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 35,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
Aji Limo
- £2.50
A good choice for beginners, Apache is a no-nonsense chilli that is dependable and easy-to-grow.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 65,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.50
A very mild chilli defined by its thick flesh that is sweet, crunchy and juicy.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 400 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Apple Crisp
- £2.20
A delicately-coloured, very flavourful habanero with practically no heat.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 700 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
- £2.00
A vegetable type chilli that is both prolific and early.
Heat level: mild
- Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Beaver Dam
- £2.00
A deliciously-flavoured, mild habanero known as a ‘seasoning pepper’ in the Caribbean.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 700 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
- £2.00
A prolific superhot chilli with fruit that have an unusual ‘bubble-gum’ flavour.
Heat level: superhot
(approx. 923,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: superhots
Bengle Naga
- £5.00
A small-fruited Brazilian beauty producing an abundance of teardrop-shaped fruit with almost no heat.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 50 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
Biquinho Red
- £2.50
Bright yellow, teardrop-shaped fruit with a full habanero flavour but very little heat.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 400 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
Biquinho Yellow
- £2.50
A short, bushy chilli that is very hot and stunningly beautiful.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 62,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Bolivian Rainbow
- £2.20
A traditional Bulgarian variety producing very mild fruit that are both crispy and sweet.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 900 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Bulgarian Fish
- £2.20
A prolific and early yielding chilli with hot, thick-fleshed fruit.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 35,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
- £2.20
A bold chilli with elongated, hot, bright red fruit that grow bunched together at the tip of the branches.
Heat level: hot
- Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
A vibrant chilli with variegated leaves of green, purple, pink and white.
Heat level: Very hot
(approx. 70,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.50
An exciting chilli that yields lots of mildly-hot fruit on short trailing plants.
Heat level: mild
(approx. 3,500 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Cardiff Queen
- £2.50
A bushy, dependable chilli that produces plenty of medium heat fruit.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 20,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
A colourful chilli with yellowish green leaves and fruit that ripen from yellow to orange and finally red.
Heat level: very hot
(approx 60,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Charleston Hot
- £2.00