Classic Japanese pepper producing fruit that are traditionally harvested young and eaten whole.
Heat level: extremely mild
- Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
- £2.20
A mainstay of Turkish cooking, this very mild, high yielding chilli is normally eaten when green and immature.
Heat level: very mild
(approx. 1,500 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Sivri Biber
- £2.50
An aji distinguished by colourful, cone-shaped fruit that have a distinctively fresh, pleasant aroma.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 39,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.50
Short, compact plants producing masses of small, colourful and very hot fruit.
Heat level: very hot
approx. 160,000 SHU - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
Bushy plants that produce masses of hot, thin, sharply-pointed and elongated fruit that change from green to red.
Heat level: approx. 97,000 SHU
- Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
Compact, bushy plants that grow just 12 to 17cm tall and are perfect for growing where space is limited.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 27,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
An especially aromatic habanero loaded with sparkling yellow fruit.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 135,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
- £2.00
A thin-fleshed, small-fruited chilli ideally suited for making hot sauces.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 178,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
Mild, round, tangerine-coloured fruit that are thick-fleshed and perfect for stuffing.
Heat level: mild
(approx. 2,100 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Tangerine Dream
- £2.00
A very mild, dark green chilli perfect for making Thai green curry.
Heat level: mild
- Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Thai Green Curry
- £2.00
A hot Thai chilli that looks like a pumpkin. Fruit are strongly-ribbed, thick-fleshed and good for stuffing.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 36,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
Thai Pumpkin
- £2.00
Shaped somewhat like a bell, this is the oddest shaped chilli pepper we sell.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 13,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types, Chilli seeds: vegetable-types
- £2.00
A high yielding, aromatic habanero that has a manageable level of heat.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 40,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
- £2.50
Knobbly, elongated fruit combine very high heat levels with a delicious lemon flavour.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 96,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
Turtle Claw
- £2.00
An eccentric chilli plant distinguished by its umbrella shape that is perfect for small pots and hanging baskets.
Heat level: very hot
(approx 73,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
Bushy plants producing deeply-grooved fruit that undergo subtle colour changes, from light green to yellow and finally ivory.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 70,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
- £2.50
A winning combination of scorching heat and a citrus aroma.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 130,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: habaneros
Yellow Bumpy
- £2.20
A remarkable chilli, with leaves, flowers and stems that are draped in dark purple.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 19,400 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Zimbabwe Black
- £2.50