Spice chillies are generally small-fruited and thin-fleshed, and are generally hotter than the vegetable chillies. They are used to add heat and flavour to a dish, but contribute very little bulk.
For information on growing chillies click here.
One seed pack of all the spice-type chilli varieties sold by Sea Spring Seeds.
Save over £20.00!
- Chilli seeds: spice-types
A collection of spice chillies
- £45.00
A Turkish cayenne that ripens to a red, medium hot chilli that can be dried or used fresh.
Heat level: medium
(approx 24,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aci Kil
- £2.20
An easy-to-grow chilli producing lots of hot fruit with a thick, juicy flesh.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 37,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aji Benito
- £2.20
A medium hot chilli that offers colourful fruit distinguished by a wonderfully fresh aroma and flavour.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 23,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds (all), Chilli seeds: spice-types
Aji Crystal
- £2.20
A good choice for beginners, Apache is a no-nonsense chilli that is dependable and easy-to-grow.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 65,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.50
A short, bushy chilli that is very hot and stunningly beautiful.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 62,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Bolivian Rainbow
- £2.20
A bold chilli with elongated, hot, bright red fruit that grow bunched together at the tip of the branches.
Heat level: hot
- Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
A vibrant chilli with variegated leaves of green, purple, pink and white.
Heat level: Very hot
(approx. 70,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.50
An exciting chilli that yields lots of mildly-hot fruit on short trailing plants.
Heat level: mild
(approx. 3,500 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Cardiff Queen
- £2.50
A bushy, dependable chilli that produces plenty of medium heat fruit.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 20,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.00
A colourful chilli with yellowish green leaves and fruit that ripen from yellow to orange and finally red.
Heat level: very hot
(approx 60,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Charleston Hot
- £2.00
A very hot cayenne that turns from green to red as it ripens.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 55,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
Short, bushy plants producing masses of colourful fruit that grow upright above the foliage.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 50,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
A bushy and very prolific chilli producing tiny, elongated, pointed fruit that are very hot when ripe.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 194,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Demon Red
- £2.20
An extremely pretty chilli covered in regal fruit that mature from a deep purple to dark red.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 45,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
- £2.20
An easy to grow, early-to-mature cayenne chilli whose medium hot fruit are user-friendly in the kitchen.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 19,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Early Cayenne
- £2.20
A stunning example of chillies at their most colourful; the purple fruit turn yellow, then orange and finally red.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 47,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Fairy Lights
- £2.00
An easy-to-grow chilli producing fleshy fruit with only a moderate amount of heat.
Heat level: medium
(approx 22,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Holy Peak
- £2.20
A striking chilli whose long, pointed fruit dramatically grow upright in bunches at the top of the plant.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 10,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Hot Juan
- £2.20
A hot chilli with long, pointed fruit that grow upright in bunches at the top of the plant.
Heat level: hot
(approx. 40,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Hot Juanita
- £2.20
A knockout ornamental chilli with variegated white and green leaves augmented by colourful fruit
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 98,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds (all), Chilli seeds: spice-types
Hot Palette
- £2.50
A cayenne chilli whose fantastically long fruit often grow to 25cm or more.
Heat level: medium
(approx. 22,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Joe’s Long Cayenne
- £2.50
Tall, dark, and handsome – Kala Morich plants have dark leaves, purple flowers, and black fruit that ripen to red.
Heat level: very hot
(approx. 85,000 SHU) - Chilli seeds: spice-types
Kala Morich
- £2.00