The traditional Italian basil with a distinctive clove flavour that is delicious with tomato salad and sauces.
- Herb seeds
Basil var. Italian Classic
- £2.00
A remarkable variety of basil producing huge, blistered leaves with an anise flavour.
- Herb seeds
Basil var. Lettuce Leaved
- £2.50
A colourful, anise-flavoured basil that is essential in Thai cooking.
- Herb seeds
Basil var. Siam Queen
- £1.50
- Out of Stock
A small-leaved, compact basil that grows into tidy pompom-shaped plants and a flavour like the classic Italian basil.
- Herb seeds
Bush Basil
- £2.20
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A coriander variety that is considerably more bolt-resistant than all other coriander varieties we have trialled.
- Herb seeds
Coriander var. Calypso
- £2.10
A variety that is full of flavour and seems to be more bolt-resistant than other coriander varieties.
- Herb seeds
Coriander var. Santos
- £2.00
A fast growing, short-lived annual herb with attractive, feathery leaves.
- Herb seeds
Dill var. Super Dukat
- £1.50
A strong-flavoured Mexican herb indispensable for salsa and bean dishes.
- Herb seeds
- £2.50
A tall growing ‘giant Italian’ parsley producing good flavoured, flat leaves with long stalks.
- Herb seeds
Giant flat-leaved parsley var. Oscar
- £2.00
A cold-tolerant herb that looks uncannily like parsley but tastes unequivocally like celery.
- Herb seeds
- £2.00
A productive curly-leafed parsley with dark green, upright leaves.
- Herb seeds
Parsley (curly-leafed) var. Bravour
- £1.50
Perilla is an upright bushy annual herb with a flavour that is all of its own.
- Herb seeds
Perilla (green) aka Shiso
- £2.50
A French or plain leaved parsley with upright leaves grow upright that have a pleasant, smooth parsley flavour.
- Herb seeds
Plain leaf (French) parsley
- £1.50
An easy-to-grow annual herb with aromatic leaves that is often compared to marjoram, mint or thyme.
- Herb seeds
Summer Savory
- £2.00