Biquinho Red


A small-fruited Brazilian beauty producing an abundance of teardrop-shaped fruit with almost no heat.

Heat level: very mild
(approx. 50 SHU)


Capsicum chinense

This Brazilian beauty produces an abundance of tear drop-shaped fruit that are only 2cm long and ripen from light green to bright red.  With an almost undetectable level of heat, a crunchy texture and a distinctive flavour, they are a treat eaten fresh off the plant. You can also add them to stir fries, or pickle them in a sweet-and-sour syrup made from sugar and cider vinegar.

The tidy, bushy plants can be grown unsupported in 2 to 7.5 litre pots. They are late to mature and should be kept undercover throughout the growing season.

Heat level: very mild (approx. 50 SHU)
For more information on Scoville Heat Units and what they mean click here.

Approximate number of seed per pack: 15

At Sea Spring Seeds we also sell Biquinho Yellow, the twin to Biquinho Red. We also sell seed of Chupetinho, a hot version of Biquinho Red.


Additional information

Its all in the name

Of Brazilian origin, ‘Biquinho’ chillies are known by several other names. A common one is "Chupetinho" , but there is also "pimenta de bico", "Little Beak" and "chupetinha".  Pickled versions of the fruit are sold under the names "Pearl" or "Roquito", depending on the manufacturer.
Sea Spring Seeds, uses the name "Biquinho" for the very mild red and yellow versions, and "Chupetinho" for a variety that looks identical, but produces fruit that are hot.