Early Cayenne



An easy to grow, early-to-mature cayenne chilli whose medium hot fruit are user-friendly in the kitchen.

Heat level: medium
(approx. 19,000 SHU)


Capsicum annuum

An early-to-mature chilli whose medium hot fruit are user-friendly in the kitchen. The fruit are standard fare in Indian restaurants – they are elongated, come to a sharp point and measure about 11 to 12cm long. They mature from green to red and can be used at either stage of maturity.

The bushy, sprawling plants are quite tall and need support to stand upright. Suitable for growing in the ground, they also do well in larger containers.

Heat level: medium (approx. 19,000 SHU)
For more information on Scoville Heat Units and what they mean click here.

Approximate number of seeds per pack: 20