NuMex Twilight


An outstandingly beautiful chilli that puts on a spectacular show of colours.

Heat level: hot
(approx. 30,000 SHU)


Capsicum annuum

A stunningly attractive chilli that puts on a spectacular show of colours. The cone-shaped fruit ripen from purple to yellow, followed by orange, and finally red. They are a mere 2.5cm long and fortuitously sit above the foliage, where the colourful display can be enjoyed. Not only are the fruit great to look at, but they are also hot, adding culinary value to an already exceptional variety.

The upright plants are ideal as edible ornamentals kept in a conservatory or on a sunny windowsill in the house.  They can be grown without support in pots 1 to 5 litres in volume.

Heat level: hot (approx. 30,000 SHU). 
For more information on Scoville Heat Units and what they mean click here.

Approximate number of seeds per pack: 20