Sugar Snap
A climbing sugar snap pea producing large yields over a long season of exceptionally tender, thick-walled pods.
Sugarsnap / tall plants
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Pisum sativum
This is a tall growing sugar snap variety producing tender, edible pods. Start picking when pods are still immature, right through to when the pods are engorged with peas.
Plants will need staking, and the long vines will grow to whatever height the stakes are! Production is over a long period, and will continue for longer if plants are picked regularly, resulting in very high yields.
They can also be grown overwinter in a polytunnel or green house; but be warned, in the low light levels of winter plants can grow 6 to 8 eight feet tall taking over the whole growing space.
Ideal for stir fries and salads. To prepare for cooking, remove strings from tops and bottoms of pods. Sow outdoors in the spring for a summer crop.
Approx. number of seeds per pack: 150