Golden Ball


A firm-textured, good tasting, golden fleshed turnip that is literally a “golden oldie”, qualifying for heritage status.


Brassica rapa

The roots of Golden Ball have an appealing yellow flesh, with a lovely firm texture that lies somewhere between that of a turnip and swede. Good in soups, stews or grated raw into a salad.

Golden Ball is quicker growing than a swede, though slower to bulk up than the modern turnip hybrids, like Tokyo Cross, which we also sell. Plants are winter hardy, and can be sown at any time; though plants will grow faster in warmer conditions, and slower or stop growth altogether in the cold months. For an autumn treat, sow seeds from mid-July to mid-August and grow outdoors; or for delicious winter eating sow in the autumn and grow on in a polytunnel or greenhouse.

Start harvesting when the roots are about 7 to 8cm in diameter – don’t let them get too big as they lose eating quality.

Approx. number of seed per pack: 300